Updated 2/8/25
This webpage will contain selected updates and resources related to federal executive orders and other federal actions impacting federally-funded research at Lehigh. This page will be updated regularly as new developments arise.
Announcements from Lehigh
- 2/8/2025 - Recent Indirect Cost Announcement from NIH
- 1/30/2025 - Important Update Regarding Federal Directives Restricting Grant Activities
- 1/28/2025 - Temporary Federal Pause on Grants
- 1/24/2025 - Research Updates and Guidance Related to New Administration
Federal Agency Announcements
- NSF Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
- DOE Memorandum for All DOE Funding Agreements or Awards
- DOE: Suspension of DEI, CBP or PIER Plans, and Justice40 Requirements in all Financial Assistance Awards
News from National Organizations