Arts and Sciences$1660 per credit *
Business and Economics$1400 per credit
Education$660 per credit
PC Rossin College of Engineering$1660 per credit
College of Health$1660 per credit
Maintenance of CandidacyOne credit hour **
MBA/Ed Leadership$1160 per credit
MBA/Engrg$1660 per credit
MS/Analytical Finance$1660 per credit

* Rate for CAS, RCEAS and COH graduate students supported on federal sponsored projects, or non-federal sponsored projects using Lehigh's federally negotiated Indirect Cost rate(s), and approved by ORSP:  $830/credit (50% of full rate).

** Maintenance of candidacy for all colleges: full (100%) tuition rate per college.

Tuition Remission Procedure:

Graduate student tuition remission may be charged to federally sponsored research awards at Lehigh University as an allowable direct cost provided the following conditions are met:

1. The student is receiving a stipend to conduct activities necessary to the federal award; and

2. The tuition remission is a reasonable compensation for the work performed and is conditioned explicitly upon the performance of necessary work; and

3. During the academic period, the student is enrolled in an advanced degree program at a non-Federal entity or affiliated institution and the activities of the student in relation to the federal award are related to the degree program

4. it is the institution’s practice to similarly compensate students in non-sponsored as well as sponsored activities

Unlike salaries and wages, tuition remission must be excluded from the application of indirect costs [Uniform Guidance §200.466].

For further information on rates, please visit FY 2025-2026 Schedule of Fees