Office of the Vice Provost for Research

The Vice Provost for Research (VPR) is the university’s chief research officer. The VPR advises the President and Provost on research programs and works closely with the deans, faculty, fellow officers of the university, and outside partners and constituents to promote the viability and impact of research worldwide.

Office of Research Development

The Research Development team supports the growth of Lehigh faculty research and its impact on the world. The staff runs funding agency workshops and proposal writing groups, assists with proposal development, administers seed funding, and facilitates limited submission selection.

Office of Research Integrity

The Research Integrity office supports the Lehigh University community in the ethical conduct of research. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews, approves, and monitors all faculty, staff, and student-conducted research with human participants. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ensures that the use of animals in research is in accordance with institutional and federal guidelines and that animals receive the highest level of care. 

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) supports faculty and staff in seeking and administering funding for research programs through grants, contracts, and other external funding opportunities. ORSP provides services and support to enable members of the university community to compete successfully for outside funding and to manage their funded programs successfully. 

Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs supports the postdoctoral experience through professional development, networking and mentoring opportunities, and connection with the postdoc and campus community.

Office of Technology Transfer

The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) manages intellectual property developed at Lehigh with the goal of enhancing the economic and societal impact of our creative work. OTT works closely with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, the Baker Institute for Entrepreneurship and Creativity, the Office of Government Relations and Economic Development, and more to facilitate dissemination of scholarly work through entrepreneurial and established business channels.