Utilize these rates for all personnel paid on all sponsored research activity fund numbers.

Position TitleDescriptionAccount Code


(7/1/24 - 6/30/25)

Full-time FacultyThis includes full-time faculty members being paid from sponsored research projects during the summer.6109035%
Part-time and Visiting FacultyThis includes part-time, visiting, and adjunct faculty members being paid from sponsored research projects during the academic year and summer.610617.9%
Postdoctoral Research AssociateUnder this category, a person is professionally conducting research after the completion of their doctoral studies. They are paid as a full-time appointment on a sponsored research project.6167035%
Wage (Undergraduate Student)Under this category, a student is appointed to receive compensation for participating on a research project. The student is paid on an hourly basis and required to perform tasks under the direction of a faculty member to meet the requirements of the program.617607.9%
Graduate Research Assistant (RA)Under this category, a student is a candidate for a graduate degree, and is appointed to a half-time position contributing to a research project by which the student also meets requirements for the degree sought. The student performs project tasks under the direction of a faculty member.61510Academic Year - 4.95%
61560Summer - 12.85% (7.9% + 4.95%)
Fellowship (Undergraduate or Graduate Student)Under this category, participation in sponsored research activity is intended to further the students' education, and no duties or services are required to receive compensation. Benefits are not provided to persons  in this classification.615304.95%

Please see the Payroll Website for more detailed information. Lehigh credentials are required to access this information.