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Vice Provost for Research (VPR)
The VPR stem is made up of various offices that report to the Vice Provost, Anand Jagota, Ph.D.
Office of Research Development
- Explore Funding Options (Internal or External)
- Research Ideation
- Proposal Storytelling/Writing Guidance
Office of Research Integrity
- Human Subjects (IRB)
- Vertebrate Animals in Research (IACUC)
- Foreign Talent Programs
- Conflicts of Interest
- Export Control
- Research Policies
- Research Ethics & Compliance
Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
- Externally Funded Research
- Funding Requirements
- Proposal Submission to External Sponsors (via LIRA)
- Budget Development
- Industry Contract Review
- Award Management & Research Accounting
Office of Technology Transfer
- Assesses Commercial Viability of Inventions & Discoveries
- Protection of intellectual property (patents/copyrights)
- Technology Commercialization
- Relationships with Industry Partners
- External Collaboration Requests
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
- Postdoctoral Life
- Career Development for Postdocs
- Mentoring for Postdocs
- Community Building
- Selecting a Postdoctoral Mentor
Announcements for Researchers & Administrators
Explore the latest updates from the VPR, including timely updates about our policies and processes.
February 5, 2025
University Research Centers Announcement 2025
Dear Colleagues, We are excited to announce that two new University Research Centers (URCs) will be established in 2025: the Center for Community-Driven Assistive Technologies and the Center for Advancing Community Electrification Solutions. We are also pleased to award a planning grant to further the development of a third team, the Small Cities Lab. The Center for Community-Driven Assistive Technologies (CDAT), led by Vinod Namboodiri and George DuPaul, aims to transform the lives of people...
January 30, 2025
Important Update Regarding Federal Directives Restricting Grant Activities
We want to provide an important update on recent federal directives affecting sponsored research activities. While the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-25-13 has been rescinded and federal payments for grants and loans have resumed, Trump Administration executive orders and agency-issued guidance remain in effect. Federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy (DOE), and NASA, have issued directives restricting specific activities within grants, particularly those related to diversity, equity...
January 28, 2025
Temporary federal pause on grants
Dear colleagues, As you may have seen, the White House Office of Management and Budget released a memo yesterday temporarily halting disbursement of funds and new awards until at least February 10. We recognize that this is causing significant confusion and stress for our research community. Federal agencies are also rewriting policies and Notice of Funding Opportunity announcements. We encourage you to keep working on proposals, while continuing to check in with agencies and your...
Upcoming Events & Workshops
Join the Office of Research Integrity for a one-hour Zoom info session providing an overview of IRB policies and the review process. The session is...